Poll Shows Overwhelming Demand for Skilled Trades Classes in LA County High Schools
A Survey of L.A. Voters Found…
Groundbreaking New LA County Poll
A first-of-its-kind survey of L.A. County voters, parents and high school students found strong support for increased investment in public high school skilled trades programs as a pathway to good-paying jobs in industries seeing booming demand. Survey respondents saw classes in construction, welding, advanced manufacturing, and other skilled trades as an opportunity for all students to learn valuable real-world skills that will better prepare them for life after graduation.Survey Research Methodology
Researcher: EVITARUS
L.A.-based pollster EVITARUS surveyed more than 1,000 L.A. County voters, public school parents and students between November 2023 and January 2024. EVITARUS also held a series of four focus groups across L.A.
Lead researcher Shakari Byerly analyzes the poll results
Voters, Parents, and Students Agree that Skilled Trades Classes will Provide Better Access to a Good Job
Q: How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

Skilled trades classes will provide better access to a good job
There will always be work for those in skilled trades
Skilled trades education can help prepare for college
Training in skilled trades is not for college bound students
Voters Believe Skilled Trades are Highly Important to the Local Economy and Pay Well
Q: How well would you say each of the following describes skilled trades? (Ranked by Total Extremely/Very Well)*
Skilled jobs are important to the local economy
Skilled trades jobs pay well
Majority Support for Expansion of Skilled Trades Exists Among Voters, Parents, and Students
Q: Do you support or oppose the expansion of skilled trades programs in Los Angeles high schools?
Strong Support Also Exists for Expansion of Funding for Skilled Trades Education
Q: Do you support or oppose increasing state and local funding for programs to train high school students and others in the skilled trades?
Strong Support Also Exists for Expansion of Funding for Skilled Trades Education
Q: Do you support or oppose increasing state and local funding for programs to train high school students and others in the skilled trades?
A Majority Believe High Schools Need to Create Career Pathways for ALL Students
Q: How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
High Schools in LA County need to to a better job of creating pathways for students not attending college
Skilled trade classes will provide better access to a good job
There will always be work for those in skilled trades
For many college graduates, it is difficult to find a job in their degree field
Skilled trades education can help prepare for college
More than 2/3rds of Students Would Be Interested in Taking a Skilled Trades Course if It Were Offered
Q: Would you consider taking a skilled trades class if your high school offered them? Asked only among students who attend schools where skilled trades classes are not offered.