Summer is here, giving teachers across the nation the opportunity to reflect on the past academic year and look forward to the next. When asked how they spend their summer refreshing, past winners of the Harbor Freight Tools for Schools Prize for Teaching Excellence were happy to share:
- Summer Project: “I try to identify a new project to make in one of my classes. It might not be a project for all classes, but I want something new to lab out and play with every year I teach. I balance that with traveling over the summer to clear my head and hopefully experience some new things.” – Matt Erbach – South Elgin, IL
- SkillsUSA: “The SkillsUSA National contest is refreshing and motivating. Collaborating with likeminded people really helps. Attend professional development at the start of the year that teaches you something. If you attend sessions that teachers are mandated to go to, it’s easy to fall into a negative mindset. Be cognizant of who you surround yourself with.” – Dallas Bergstrom – Katy, TX
- Continuous Improvement: “I have an ongoing ‘to do’ list that I keep on Google spreadsheets. As the year goes on, I add things that need to be improved for the following school year. This gives me a starting point when I work on curriculum in the summer. I know some teachers say take a break and don’t work, but I enjoy curriculum and the satisfaction of knowing I improved for next year.” – Ashton Bohling – Johnson, NE
- Racing: “I attend track days with my car and motorcycle where I have to fully concentrate on the task at hand. I find it a good way to forget about the school year and start with a clean slate.” – Baxter Weed – Enosburg Falls, VT
- Let’s Build It: “I enjoy seeing our Harbor Freight Tools for Schools people at Let’s Build It. It’s always really enjoyable with lots of laughs and great ideas brought to the table. This fellowship helps me recharge. I also like traveling with my family out West. My parents still own the house they had when they were stationed in south Arizona, so we usually do an annual road trip out there each summer. The landscape of the West relaxes me and serves as a good recharge before hitting the ground running the first week of August.” – Jess Bowlin – Auburn, AL
- Giving Back: “This might sound crazy, but I recharge by doing small jobs for people in the community or helping with community events. It’s just nice to help and talk to people outside of the education world.” – Troy Reichert – Guernsey, WY